Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas Decorations

So the Holiday season is here and Jeremy and I really had no Christmas Decorations so we decided to go to Lowe's and go on a shopping spree! It was a lot of fun. We bought a pre lit tree and all the trimmings. Jeremy comes from a home where they always had colored lights on their tree and I always had white so we compromised and I got a tree with white lights and Jeremy got colored lights for the outside of the house, which I like anyway, so, I guess I just got what I wanted.

But here is the real cool thing about the whole thing. After spending a lot more money then we should have for all the deco, Jeremy goes back the next week to pick up a few things we forgot and finds that everything we payed full price for was now %25 off.

So I took our receipt back and got %25 off all our stuff. So they made the spree even sweeter!

We still did not have enough stuff though so we went shopping at Jannet's it is a great place to go shopping.  Everything is free and it has such a personal touch.  It made my home just right!!!