Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Olivia's Birthday!

Dear Olivia

Today is your day!  You are one!  You are getting your front teeth and have been so sleepy lately.  You have been doing some long stretches of sleep, in part I think from all the teeth you are getting!  You scoot around on your bum and play with toys and I can already tell how much you love your siblings and they love you!  I can't wait to see what this next year brings and all the changes that are going to come into our life!!!   We love you with all our hearts and we are so glad you are here!

Love Mama

Dear Celia

Such a big girl.  Last night , you jumped off the desk with your brother and nearly knocked the desk on top of you guys.  Which would have resulted in a 911 call and a trip to the hospital.  Glad you are ok.  We had Playgroup today and you are such a kid.  No longer a baby.  You want to take swim lessons like Xander, and jump in the pool with no fear!  You hit the bottom of the pool one time and popped up because your jump was so big!  I love having you with me!  I hope we can be adventure pals one day!

Love Mama

Dear Xander

You are the best!  You have learned how to play the Kinnect on Xbox and now we can play each other!  After beating me in boxing, I said, "how did you do that?"  Your reply was, "I have been practicing against the computer!"  Good job Xander!  With that attitude you will box out anyone who stands in your way of accomplishing your dreams!

Love Mama