Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Top 10 Things that have been going on for the past little while.

1. Swim Lessons  Enrolled the kids at the Colorado Swim School!  Both Celia and Xander have been taking lessons and they love it!  Goal is to have super swimmers this Summer

2.  Play Group at my house every Wednesday!  We have had lots of fun with about 10 kids from the Ward.  We sing, dance and play games!

3.  Xander the Super Reader!  He has being doing great at school and reading more and more everyday.   He never complains about getting his work done and has the most amazing memory. 

4. Celia and her Baby.  She finally likes Dolls.  She has a special baby that she carries around and sleeps with.

5.  Olivia the scooter.   Bum Scoot baby everywhere!  Will she advance?  Only time will tell!   She is very happy just doing her thing so we can't complain.

6.  Jeremy the super student.  We are down to weeks until completion of this 6 year process of getting an Engineering Degree.

7.  Nichole, 1st Counselor in RS.  Love going to the Rec Center and just enjoying my Children!  Also love listening to books and Scriptures on my iphone.

8. Celia rode her trike all around the block on a warm day last week.  I have Spring Fever.  Today it is snowing.

9.  Xander and Celia are true siblings.  We have entered the stage of biting, hitting, screaming and yelling but also making up.  The other day Xander rode his bike to the Church, while Celia and I took the car.  We cheered for Xander the whole way.  Celia watching him out the window.  When we arrived to the church, Celia kept saying "I am so proud of you Xander"   Then they gave each other a big hug and kiss.

10.  Job hunting!  We have finally entered the stage where we are looking for a Mechanical Engineering job.  So anxious to find out where we will end up. 

Just another Sunday

Natalees Visit Lunch with the Ladies

Celia Loves Lollipop Park

Xanders Drawing

Happy Valentines Day

Olivia Rose Johnson 1 year old

Super Bowl Sunday