Sunday, February 7, 2010

Looking at my boy

Jeremy dressed Xander so cute on Friday
I had to get a picture!

I was in the background encouraging the

Little did I know that I would be included in the shot!

Everywhere we go everyone tells us how much he looks like Jeremy
but I still think
deep down
there is a little

Can you see it?

Jeremy's Tree

Emily, Jeremy's sister is having a baby and she asked if Jeremy would paint some trees for the Nursery. Jeremy has never painted a mural before but as you know does have a little artistic talent. While we were having a baby shower Emily Jeremy was upstairs painting.
At first he was going to pencil it all out but with only one Saturday to get it done he decided that he would just paint!

After the Trunk came the leaves

When he finished the pine tree he did some Aspens on the other wall. This also shows the detail of the trunk on the pine tree. I love how he mixed colors on the trunk. It turned out really well!

He added this as his own personal touch! Love between the Mother and Father
Aaron and Emily!

And the finished product! Not to bad for never painting a mural before!
Good job Jeremy!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


This little boy loves to be outside more then anything. I need to take him out more. So this morning I woke up early and got American Envoy done, running done and Xander bathed and dressed so we could go outside and wander around.

This little boy ran for a whole block. Ran! Did not want to be held carried or strolled
He was free!

He is also getting real excited about cars! He loves his car toys and his ramp that
Grandma Jannet and Grandpa Jim got him for Christmas
Vroom Vroom he says and "Go, Go, Go"

So Every parked car outside was walked around three times and
All wheels were inspected and admired

I brought the little boy in after an hour
with a gigantic fit
I think he could of stayed outside
all day!