Monday, September 28, 2009

Working Full time from home

So last year around the end of Feb, I received a call from a lady named Tina. but first let me explain something...... My aunt worked for this company American Envoy. She told me she called places and collected records. I said hey, can I maybe do that? So she gave me her e-mail address and I emailed Tina...and 4 months later at the end of Feb I received a call.

At first I was not going to take the job. I had just invested a small sum of money in starting a Usborne book business and I was all prepared to be a "Home Party" woman! But Jeremy said just do it! What could it hurt. You can do both!

So I did! I am so glad. It is a great job to work from home. I am so blessed to have it. I am able to be with my Xander. We need the money and when Jeremy was fired at the end of August. I e-mailed Tina and asked for more work (I get paid by the record not by the hour). And she said, "You want it you got it"

I work early in the morning when Xander is sleeping, and eating and watching T.V. which he really likes T.V. Handy Mani, Mickey's Club house, Imagination movers, and little Einstiens are his favs.

And then we play a little bit and he goes down for his nap. And I work some more and my day is done by 3pm because I work Florida standard time. And then Xander and I go outside and play.

Sometimes I think....Man my life is kind of boring. I am not doing all the cool Mom things that I thought I would be doing like, play groups and lunch dates, and sewing....and organizing rooms.

But I am happy! I am! I call hospital workers in Florida and collect medical records. I have a lot of information on a lot of different people in Florida stored on my little computer. (kinda scary)

I get to let Xander sleep in and wake up and give him a bath....There is no rush. and when I am done at 3pm, I am done, nothing to bring home or grade or worry about what I am going to do tomorrow.

Jeremy is doing so well in school! I am so proud of him. It is such a small time in our life and even though it is hard right now. I know we will enjoy the fruits of our labors.

God Bless


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Xander's first steps