Monday, July 9, 2012

Summer Lovin

 Wow!  Lots have been going on since my last post.  I can't believe that it has been so long, but everyone needs to play Catch-up every now and then!  These photos were on Xander's last day of Preschool!  It was a really great experience for him and these ladies really helped him grow into a more responsible and polite little boy!  He also loved all his little friends that he made there.

Next year we qualified for a Head Start Program at Birch Elementary, so he will be going 4 days a week!  SO EXCITED!  I know he is going to miss it at this Preschool but I am excited that he gets to go 4 days a week!  He loves to be around people and socialize so it will be great for him!

 Memorial Day weekend, We headed to Utah for a week!  Well Jeremy, went for a week with me and then I stayed on a little longer to wait for my parents, so we could go to Pinetop Arizona to my Mom and Dad's Cabin/House!  The following week!  We had a lot of fun in Utah.  We were able to rent a little Vacation apartment in North Ogden, that was perfect for our family.  We slept in,  made pancakes, went to Pineview Res.  and enjoyed visiting with friends and family.
We went to a Johnson Family party aka....The Weenie Roast in Jeremy's Grandpa's backyard!  He is 90 something years old and still putters around his farm!  It is also who Xander was named after, "Curtis" It was fun to connect with some of Jeremy's cousins and also to see Jeremy's Kids, Makenzee, Dylan and Wyatt. 
After the week of fun with Jeremy's family, Jeremy dropped me off in Lehi Utah, where I spent a couple of days visiting my friend Melissa.  Our kids are pretty close in age, so it was fun to let them run around together!  She is an amazing cook and Mommy and I learned a lot of things by hanging out with them for a couple of days!  I now have the best Bibs ever for Celia, thanks to her, and also a delicious recipe for baked Oatmeal!

Thanks Taylor Family! 
 Grandma Johnson made this bonnet for Celia!  I love it!  She is getting to be such a good baby!  I missed the 8 month post, as she is almost 9 months but she is not quit crawling yet, still has no teeth, but has managed to start eating baby food and filling her tummy so she will sleep through the night!
 Now that we are home in Broomfield Colorado, we go to The Bay at least once a week!  We love it!  All of Xander's former swim instructors are Life Guards there, and they all remember him.  Ha!  Reminds me when I was a kid and used to hang out at the swim pool and flirt with the lifeguards, when I was like 8.  He is 4!  What am I going to do with him!

Xander turned 4 on June 29th and we made this cake together!
 This was taken in Pinetop with his cousin Annie!  We had a fun week in Pinetop.  We went swimming everyday.  Xander built lots of confidence in his Swim Life Jacket!  He was such a Fish!
He also loved making friends with whoever would play with him. 
 Before we went to Pinetop, we stayed one night at a Hotel and my niece Nicolina came and saw us and we went swimming in the hotel pool, of course!  It was fun to see the Beautiful BYU girl! 

 For Xander's Birthday, My Mom and Dad took him and his Cousin Bowen to the Rockies Firework game!  Jeremy and I were supposed to take him, but I have been feeling really sick.  Because while I was gone for three weeks, I also took a test and it was positive.


Pretty soon 
Jan 2013 another little one will be in the shopping cart!

Very shocked but very excited!

Starting to feel a little better and maybe the posts on the blog will pick up again!