Thursday, September 30, 2010


So my last post...was kind of unhappy.

Only like 5 people even look at this blog. So I don't mind venting...sometimes life sucks for everyone right??

I know for the most part I have got a pretty hot diggity dog great one. So to lift my spirits, I am going to write all the things I am thankful for.

1. The ability to have babies. I only have one right now, but I am so thankful it is easy for me to have them. Hopefully I will be able to have a couple more, but if not...There are A LOT of selfish things I would not mind doing. Running a marathon in London or Rome would be one of them. So if no more come. oh well. Xander will just be the most bestest dressed kid on the block and be able to have a season pass to whatever he wants.

2. A husband whom ADORES me. He does. He wants me to be happy more then anything and will do anything to make sure I am. So spoiled. Love that he will paint my toenails, cook me delicious meals, listen to me and all around make me feel wonderful!

3. Living in Colorado. Enough said. I love it here.

4. My family. Thankful to have good parents that I have a good relationship with and I like them. Actually, I LOVE THEM.

5. Brothers and Sisters that are so talented and help me work hard at being a better person. I am so lucky to be born on their team and associate with them for eternity. Their offspring are doing pretty cool stuff too and I am glad that Xander will be able to look up to his cousins and follow their examples.

6. Reading books. Love to, when I have time. Have lots to read.

7. Eating. Praying. Loving. Running. Swimming. Biking. Jumping.

8. Dancing. I can't wait until Jeremy is done with school, He Big Pinkie sweared promised that we would take a dance class together when he is done and by golly even if it is not until we are 65. I am holding him to it.

9. "Special Hugs" I had to wait until 30 years old to enjoy them, but I do love my "Special Hugs"

10. Being clean. So glad I can take a shower and wash my hair every day, even though they say not to wash your hair everyday. I am glad I can. I like showers and taking really long ones.

I am thankful for a lot lot more but I am tired. So I will end now.

Monday, September 20, 2010

I ran a half Marathon.....again ;)

Dear sir in tie-die shirt

Thank you for giving a complete stranger a sip of your water at Buena Vista Half marathon.

Signed- Girl who felt like she was in a desert and had no other choice.

Dear: Kind Running ladies behind me.

Sorry you had to see me puke at around Mile 10. Thank you for the napkins to wipe my face. Maybe I should not have taken water from a stranger.

Signed: Girl who finished anyway.

Becky Dallin Smith Dear Nic: You are an inspiration to so many. Great job on your 1/2 marathon. You go girl! Beck

Dear: Michelle B.

Thanks for putting your arm around me! I could not have finished with out you!
Glad you were not one of the kind running ladies right behind me and had to see the offensive behavior in nature. Because now we can still be friends.

...Love: A very thankful friend

Michelle Salmon Boswell You helped me, just as much as I may have helped you! I believe that everything happens for a reason and I was more than happy to finish out the race with you!! I hope you are feeling better :) I love all your little letters on FB! Oh and in case you forgot, I am a nurse and it would take a lot more than vomit to make me not want to be friends with you! You have been an inspiration throughout this whole process and have always been williing to train with those of us who are slower less motivated runners!!! Love ya lots!

I love my running friends! And will gladly take more! :) If you think you can you can! If you think you can't, think again! :)

Tirsa Hamilton Allen so true! I was NOT a runner half a year ago and now I am!

Tiffany Downs Brown How did your half marathon go? I saw the pictures. It looks like a hard but beautiful course!

Nichole Johnson Very hard. Very beautiful. proud of myself for finishing despite the fact that I had to bum water off of a complete stranger because they only had 3 aid stations and it was 85 degrees outside, And I stopped and threw up at mile 10 and had... to walk the last 3 miles. I am very impressed with your training in the heat. The race started at 9am and I had been training at 6am, and I did not think the race people thought it would be so warm in the mountains. Wish the race would have started earlier and maybe I would have felt better. Not the best race for me but still VERY FUN!

Jennifer Eastman Fryer I did it! And now I want to pass out.

Tirsa Hamilton Allen Just had the best weekend in Buena Vista with the pink ladies. I ran my first half marathon today and accomplished the only goal that I had for not walk at all. It was so fun! (Yes, you read that right...I said fun and run in the same sentence! Who would've thought?) Too tired to post pics. tonight though!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Xander Words

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Jeremy and I planted a garden this year...Well really Jeremy planted a garden but I did spread the cow poop, I mean compost, (We live by a dairy) around so I did help out a little bit.
Looking at our Weed filled still dirt backyard you have to look real hard to find it, because it does blend in with the other weeds but alas, we had a garden.
Jeremy planted Watermelons. We were told they would not do well here in Colorado.

But here is the proof folks and let me just tell you my friends
It was GOOD!

The sweetest, most delicious watermelon, I have ever tasted.

Xander loved it so much he even started eating the rind. :)

Thanks Farmer Jeremy
for giving us
zucchini, zucchini, zucchini, zucchini, zucchini, zucchini,
zucchini, zucchini
and more zucchini
tomato, tomato, tomato
cucumber, cucumber
herbs, herbs, herbs
And a

Berry Patch Farms

Every Tuesday and Thursday I go running with my neighbor Joy.

She Home-School's her kids and told me how they were going to Berry Patch Farms with the Walker Family. I invited myself along. (She did not mind).
Isn't it pretty. I thought about the Celestial Kingdom after seeing this little farm with friendly animals and fresh produce. I think this is what my Mansion in Heaven is going to be like. A pretty little farm with lots of fresh produce and friendly animals that don't poop and No flies. Oh yeah, and No weeds. We have had all that sweating and toiling down here. So I am sure Heavenly Father will give us weed free and poop free animals.

So this farm was super fun! We all got crates to pick our own berries. Xander picked a few, and then dumped them all out, including the ones I picked. So I quickly just got him a basket to hold. He was actually picking in this picture. It was pretty cute to see him get the raspberries off the bush. He of course had to eat a few along the way.

After we had picked our raspberries we took a "Free" ride on the tractor about 5 times. It just went back and forth between the fields, picking people up and dropping them off and we just stayed on for the ride!

Xander loves the little girl on the right! BECCA! He screams it every time he sees her! He also had to hold her hand for a bit. Glad she is a good sport :)