Sunday, January 26, 2014

Letters from Mom

Dear Xander

Tonight we played a skee ball game on the floor with tape and bouncy balls and I won.  You were sad.  Son always remember that we win some and lose some and life will never be fair.  It is hard to understand that at 5, but by the time you are 25 it will hopefully stick .

Love Mom

Dear Celia

I did your hair a new way today and it looked good.  You also told me, "I am beautiful, Mommy Beautiful."  Yes precious we are !  Don't ever forget it.

Love Mom

Dear Olivia

Two pigtails for church today and your smile brightens everyone's face.  Thanks for coming to our Family.

Love Mom

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Letters from Mom

Dear Xander

Tonight while I was laying in bed with you, you suddenly popped your head up and said, "Mom what if you had another baby and he was born on June 29th like me, and he was a boy, we could name him Xander too!  Wouldn't that be cool?"

"Yes". I said and then you lay your sweet little head down and drifted off to sleep.   But as I stared at you I thinks to myself.  There is only one precious you son.  You are my unique individual boy.  Who is loved by so many because of the love you share with those around you!

If we do have another boy, we will name him Max because there is only one Xander.

Love Mom

Dear Celia

Today you put on 3 different outfits.  Asked me three different times for a bowl of cereal and you are one bite each time.  You like to walk across my legs like a "tight rope". And tell me, "Olivia disappeared."  Such big words for a girl who is only Two.

Love Mom

Dear Olivia

Thanks for going to Mandy Davis Baby shower with me you were the star of the show with your boot scooting boogie.  Such a happy Bug a blue!

Love Mom