Monday, July 25, 2011

The Rock Star

We have really enjoyed this summer. All a sudden in a blink of an eye. My boy is a little kid. He is Potty Trained and continues to amaze me every day. He doesn't even need pullups at night. He wakes up dry and loves his little potty.

With Potty training has now come taking off his clothes. Putting them back on is another story. Like the picture with the flag. He took his shirt off and was running around with his shirt off. Every time I went inside today, he would rip off his clothes, swimsuit, or underwear.

We played outside long and hard....So hard that he took a long nap...Much like the day above when he played long and hard at swim lessons and fell asleep on the Bar stool after dinner. He never did that as a baby so I had to take a picture.

Xander and I painted a picture together today. He had fun putting colors all over and then I made a picture of it. The finished product which is not pictured turned out pretty cute. It was fun to paint together and let him do whatever he wanted and then I made it artistic...(for me anyway) Jeremy wants to paint with Xander now...So I am sure their picture will turn out even better.

I then decided to pay homage to the Hot Summer Day. Every day when we go outside, Xander says, "Wow, Mom, it is a HOT SUMMER DAY"

So I painted a little Sun on
the son

Simple days of Nothing...that mean a lot of Something
to my memories are absolutely wonderful!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Rythmn on the River

Jeremy and I discovered this outdoor festival that we love in Longmont. They have lots of activities for Kids to do for free! It was fun for me this year, because Xander is getting older and able to do some more stuff.

He wanted to try all the outdoor stuff. I was thinking he was too small to do the boats, but he totally held his own. He even tried to move the heavy paddle.

I am so thankful for "Free" stuff that I can introduce my dude to lots of stuff. There are so many wonderful things that Heavenly Father has given us to enjoy. I love summer with all the festivals and outdoor concerts and "Free" things you can do.

At this time in our life, where we can't go somewhere for a vacation, does not mean we can't "vacation", Jeremy and I like to talk about this, how we know people that will put vacations on Credit Cards, and spend money they don't have for Vacations.

Vacation is enjoying time as a family, so when you don't have the money to GO somewhere does not mean that life still can't be fun.

Don't get me wrong, I hope one day to be able to take my family to New York, Washington D.C, and maybe even Hawaii and I really think a Cruise would be fun.

But if we can't afford it. I am perfectly content finding tons of really fun stuff to do in Good ole Colorado!

1st trip to the Dentist

Xander was a Gem at the Dentist! I am constantly amazed at what a good kid he is! The Hygienist was impressed that she was able to do a full cleaning on his teeth.

He was very excited to get his "Treasure" at the end for doing so well. His favorite part was the "water sprayer" and the "sucker" which happen to be my favorites too. If I were wealthy I would furnish both of these in my home for my personal oral hygiene.

He also enjoyed going up and down in the chair. Simple life and simple pleasures.

Brush your teeth with really cold water!

Say Cheese

Because you will cause it makes you feel so good!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

4th of July

My Brother Jeff and Family live on the coolest culdesac EVER! Every year they have a HUGE 4th of July Party and all there neighbors put it on. My brother Jeff DJ's the event, they rent a big Water Slide. They rent a Snow Machine with 24 different flavors, Popcorn, and a big BBQ with REALLY GOOD FOOD!

Xander loved going down the slide, eating flavored ice, and chillin like a villian in the Barbie Corvette with his cousin Bowan. It was so funny watching the two boys go around and around the water slide. Bowan in the drivers seat and Xander chillin in the passenger seat, eating popcorn. I am glad I have pictures for Highschool Graduation and his Wedding! He is going to love these when he gets older.

We left after dinner, because the 4th being on a Monday, we both had to get up and work Tuesday. So we came home and watched the good ole Broomfield Fireworks! Which were pretty good this year. Maybe because they had some stored up from the show being rained out the past 3 years.

Happy 4th of July!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sunday Dinner for Xander

So I really wanted to make two different cakes that I found on, so in order to have two cakes I needed to have two parties! So we invited any family that could make it and had a party! I bought Xander, and his cousins Bowan and Miles matching outfits, 4th of July style and they all looked so cute.

These are some real live events of the things that took place. No one was really interested in having me take their picture in their matching outfits so I did the best that I could.

Someday I will capture really good pictures. I am just thankful for everyone who came and the good times we have as a family. I am also greatful that I live in this country and the freedoms that I have.

Good Bless America!

P.S. On a side note, so the morning after this party, Jeremy and I woke up to find Xander at our door with cake on his face. He had waken up early and devoured more of his cake, as you can tell from the picture. We also found a Banana Peel on the floor. He said,
"I ate Banana and Cake for Breakfast"

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day in Estes Park

We decided to take Xander up to Estes for a Birthday present so he could ride in the Cars and go down the slide. Jeremy and I love going to Estes and Rocky Mountain National Park, so we would rather go up the mountains rather then doing the same stuff locally.

Xander had such a good time. Jeremy said during the Race Car ride, he kept saying "Honk" "Honk" and "Were #1"

He went down the slide 3 times with Dad and could have gone more. We went to our new favorite pizza place "Poppy's" which was super yummy. I had a Ham, tomato and Basil pizza which was so delicious, I like that they use olive oil. Once our tummies were full we drove up to RMNP where Jeremy was hoping to fly fish at one of his favorite places but the water was too high so we ended up going to Sprage Lake where Jeremy was able to catch a little bitty fish and Xander gave it a kiss!

Xander was really exhausted after walking around the lake so we decided to go home instead of getting ice cream to end the day, so I guess we will have to go back again.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Xander Birthday Video

Happy Birthday Xander 3 years old

These pictures are all from Xander's 3rd Birthday. I debated whether or not I wanted to have a "Friend" birthday party for him or not, but where we are living with my parents right now and Xander really does not have any play dates with anyone yet, I decided to wait until he is 5 when he is more into "friends" We had a perfect day though. I couldn't of asked for a better day to celebrate my little boy.

We went over to Annie Tanner's house who is my cousin. We were going to go swimming but we opted to just run through sprinklers and play. Annie bought us lunch and made Mac and Cheese for the boys. We then had the most delicious cupcakes that she had bought. They were so good! Xander picked a chocolate one with a doughnut on top.

We ran through sprinklers and played in there new sandbox that was totally awesome! Annie bought some Acrylic paint that she heard was good for painting faces and painted a Dino on Kaiden, Xander wanted a Train....but that did not turn out as well as we wanted. So we did a Dino on him as well.

Xander had a great day! I am so lucky to have such a party girl cousin that we live by, that helped us celebrate.

Jeremy met us at home and we had Arby's for Dinner and then had cake and opened presents. We bought Xander a Thomas set, that we had him open last, and he was SO EXCITED! He did not even want to eat any cake, he just wanted to play with his new toys!

That is my boy. Two years in a row, more interested in the toys then the cake!

I did really have fun making that cake though. I made it a couple days before his birthday, and put it in the freezer. It tasted really good too! So while Xander played with his new stuff, I ATE THE CAKE!

Happy Birthday Xander!
Your Dad and I love you so much and are so glad you are a part of our life!