Monday, January 28, 2013

January Update

What has been going on in our life lately.  We are waiting for this baby #3 to come.  I am expecting her to arrive around the 6th of February but we will see.  Xander is the most excited as he asks questions daily about how is Olivia going to come out of me.  For example,
"How is she getting out of your tummy Mommy"
"Well, you know how you poop?"
"It is kinda like that."
"Like a poop?"  Giggles, "No, Mom that is not how she is coming out." "She is going to come out of your belly"
"Yes, she could, that is how you came out, the doctor cut open my tummy and pulled you out, and then they put my tummy back together."
"What, and you didn't die?"
"No, the Doctors took care of me and sewed me back up."
"Well, maybe Olivia should come out your hip, armpit or nose because I bet that is less dangerous. "
"Ha Ha"
"We will see Xander."

Xander is 4.5 years old and loving life.  He keeps very busy with Joy School and going to Preschool.  He loves all his friends.  I signed him up for Gymnastics this month and he is enjoying doing that again.  He doesn't even say that he doesn't want to go, like he used too and then be happy when we arrived like he did when he was 3.  He is such a good listener as of late, he comes when he is called and does not linger longer like he used too.  It has made life a little easier.

Xander has also been a big help with Celia.  She adores him.  She laughs and giggles so hard whenever he does anything.  She loves to attack him when he is watching TV.  She pushes him, sits on him, and grabs his arms.  For the most part, he is very patient and tolerates it well.  He would love to wrestle with her, but the way he wrestles, I fear for her little one year old life, so I try to keep it to a minimum.  

I was all set up to have the kids get their pictures taken at Target this month.  I had Xander all ready and Jeremy was getting Celia ready upstairs.  Celia came out on the balcony and Xander was jumping up and down and making her laugh and jammed his head into the corner of the desk in the kitchen.

Ouch!  So No pictures for us.  We took Xander to Urgent Care instead and it actually turned out to be no big deal.  They would not do stitches at Urgent Care because it was so close to his eye, so they suggested that we take him to Children's Hospital where they would put him in a restrainer and give him drugs etc... Or we could just let it heal on its own and he would have a scar until he was 6.  We decided to just go with the scar.  He is such a tough kid, and really the event was more tragic for me vs. him.  I am so blessed to not have many medical events in my kids lives because I don't handle medical anything very well.

Celia is 15 months and just as happy as can be.  She says, Cracker, Chocolate, Bubbles, Mama, Daddy, Blankie, Teddy, and of course Xander!  Now we are the only ones who can understand these words as we say them to her and she repeats them back to us but it is fun!

She loves her bottle at night with her blanket and Teddy but is not attached to any blanket in particular.  She will take any one.  She even loves Xander's Angry bird costume blanket.

Bubble Baths with Xander is a favorite activity.  They will play in the bath for a good hour on some days.  She also loves to go outside.  She will sit on the stairs to get her shoes and coat on as soon as you say, "Outside".

I am a little worried about how she is going to react to this new little one, but my niece Megan is going to come and help me out, so I think that with her help, I will give her the attention that she needs.

Jeremy has started back in school again and we are down to the final 3 semesters.  It is getting so close!  I can't wait!  It is hard to believe that we have lived with my parents for almost 2 years.  We had hoped that he would be graduating this May when we first moved in, but in order for him to get a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering, it is going to take us one more year then we planned.  May 2014 here we come :).   It has been hard and frustrating at times but it is well worth it!

So that is the January update.  Nothing real exciting or new but we are happy. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

32 or 34 weeks Pregnant

Dear Olivia Rose
This is me pregnant with you.  I love you so much!  I am excited for you to come and make our family complete.  You were a surprise as I did not expect you to come so soon, but I am glad you are going to be here when you are.  I really hope that you and Celia become best friends and enjoy growing up together.  You two have the BEST BROTHER in the WORLD.  He is a true Angel.  I thank Heavenly Father for him everyday.  I am sure you two are going to give him lots of fun and mischief.  

Thanks for the Heart Burn, you pressed on lots of different organs and such during your time with me, which sometimes made breathing hard.  I ate a lot of chocolate with you, mostly because you were my  Christmas baby.  Celia was Big Macs and Xander was Cinnamon Rolls.  My Three Sweeties!  

Your time with me has been the fastest and I can't believe you are almost here.  Your brother and Sister have kept me pretty busy.  Xander, Celia and I had fun going through the clothes you are going to wear.  Celia loves clothes.  She carried around her old things that she wore when she was an infant that will soon become your new things.  Don't worry, I bought some special new things for you :)  I know it stinks that you will have to share with your sister a lot and get her things, but I promise to make some things special for you too!  

The girls in this family are going to have some good times.  I am already dreaming of all the memories we will create together.

Love you so Much!  Thanks for picking me to be your Mom!

Celia and her Cousins

Celia is so grown up for being only 1.  She loved sitting by her cousins and watching T.V.  like she was a Big Kid!  

Christmas Morning

 A lot of People means a lot of presents!  
Parker Downs + Chicago Downs + Johnson's + Grandma and Grandpa

Xander asked for Bill and Ben (Thomas Toys)
He got an Angry Bird Blanket!  

It was a fun Christmas!  WAY TO MUCH CHOCOLATE AND TREATS!  
Heart Burn central for the Prego that I am, but I still keep eating it! 

Christmas Eve

Preschool PJ Day and one cute little girl!