Friday, August 5, 2011

Xander Speaks

Xander has reached the age where he starts to say cute things. And what comes out of his mouth makes me grin or smile. I thought I would write a few down so I won't forget.

1. "Holy Cow Meat Balls"

2. "Grandma, Where did your hair go?" When Grandma J came out without her wig on.

3. When he says the prayer at night, "Heavenly Father, please bless the ketchup. Nooo that's not right." "Heavenly Father, please bless the food." "No that's not right, there is no food" His little jokes with Heavenly Father! I am sure he understands his humor. :)

4. "Where's my cup to Pee in" When he was at the prenatal appointment with me in the bathroom.

5. His favorite song to sing, "All the Single Ladies" By Beyonce

6. When Dad asks him what we do to Prairie Dogs, "Shoot them and Pigeons too"

7. When asked, "Whatcha doing?" "Chillin like a villian"

8. "Guess What?" "Chicken Butt", "Guess what word." "Chicken Pants" He asks the question answers it himself and laughs.

9. He knows various statements from the movie Cars, When asked what Mater says, He says, "GET ER DONE" and one for many of the other characters in the Movie!

10. "AWESOME!!"