Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ticket on Weld county road 34

I was very happy today, because I got to sleep in a little longer then normal because 5th grade had Field Days today and I did not have to teach my 5th grade reading group.

I left for school about 8:30 and I must have been in la la land because I tapped the brakes at a stop sign that NO ONE is ever at and the next thing I know I have a cop flashing his lights at me. He gives me a ticket and tells me my court date is June 19th which is 3 days from my due date. I tell him I am pregnant and he still gives me a ticket and changes my court date to July 17th. How nice of him. He then tries to have a conversation and tell me all about how having a child has changed his life and he is 40 years old and he just had his first.

How nice, but why did I get the ticket for slightly pausing at a stop sign and I never see the people who pass me every morning on county road 34 going 90 bizillion miles an hour. Who is the dangerous driver? Not me.

Oh well, such is my life. I cried all the way to work. I just can't fathom shelling out 80 dollars for a stop sign ticket when I could use that money to go buy RICE :) Doesn't he know that we are in a recession and our country is running out of food and I am pregnant. I thought you were supposed to get lots of love and sympothy as a pregnant woman????? What happened? I should have just left on time for work.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pretty little things

A beautiful sunset from our backyard!  Heavenly Father is a Denver 
Bronco Fan don't you think?
Here I am at 31 weeks pregnant.  The lease is almost up and Xander will be moving out soon!

Almost Summer!

I am so ready for summer to begin and to have the baby move out of the belly and into the arms. I see baby boys all around me and it just makes me giddy to see what my little one is going to look like.

This is my first so I have no idea what kinda gene mix Jeremy and I created. I am so excited to see though!

Jeremy and I really enjoy watching American Idol. We have never watched it before and we are so into it this season. I think because our other favorite shows, Hero's and Supernatural are not on. What happened to Hero's ? Does anyone know? Is it not coming back until Fall? Anyway, Jeremy likes David Cook the best and I guess I do as well. I am not sure I would buy any of their songs or albums as of yet. I guess I would like to see what they produce on their own. I do like Brooke White, I just think she is not a stage performer. She gets to nervous and that won't do. I think I would buy one of her albums I just don't think she will win American Idol.

I have been watching Good Morning America lately as I get ready for work. I am a complete Republican and I believe the news is biased in favor of a more liberal viewpoint and so I watch to get their side of the story. It is soooo negative. Everything about our world, economy, what we eat is all negative. They had a story about Sam's Club having to limit people to only one 20 pound bag of rice per day. And they act like the country is running out of food. ONE TWENTY POUND BAG???? I don't know how much rice most people eat, but I think one twenty pound bag would last Jeremy and I for at least a year. And if I really needed 2 or 3 twenty pound bags of rice, I could go buy them the next 3 days.

I am also sick of the complaining about Gas prices. Maybe our country needs to think about Public Transportation a little more. Gas in other countries is around 6 or 7 american dollars a gallon. In other countries having a car means you are very wealthy. Most people in the world use public transportation. We are a country who loves cars and I think people will keep paying the cost because they love the freedom of their car. I on the other hand would love it if I could take the bus to work everyday. Or there was public transportation available no matter where you went.

Anyway, These are the random thoughts of a pregnant lady. Have a great day

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sick Husband

Jeremy has been sick for the past week.  Last Friday, he woke up with a terrible fever.  We both stayed home from work, so I could be the nurse and take care of him.  The fever would not go away and on Saturday we went to the Doctors because he woke up with swollen gums and a weird blister on his tongue.  So while Jeremy was in with the Doc I waited..........  I hate waiting rooms.  I kept having to move around because everyone was coughing and I really don't want to get sick.  I also went home and ate fruit.  I hope I can always be healthy because I hate hospitals.  Have I ever mentioned that before?

Anyway, it is Wednesday night and Jeremy finally ate something. ( He has not eaten anything since Friday night when he tried to eat a hamburger and could only stomach 1/2 because his mouth and throat hurt so bad.  I on the other hand ate a hamburger, potatoes, a big glass of chocolate milk and some cookies.)  We went to KFC tonight and he ate a small side of mashed potatoes and painfully ate some chicken.  I on the other hand, ate mashed potatoes and chicken, a carton of strawberries that I dipped in sugar, A big glass of Milk with Carnation instant breakfast powder mixed in, and 2 candy canes.  

He also talks with a lisp, it is pretty funny...tonight was not so bad so I think the antibiotics are finally kicking in.

We also have not shared the same bed for the last week...I miss him but I really don't want to get sick and he does not want me sick either.  I love my husband.  

I am now in my 30th week....10 more to go hopefully!  Could be 12 with the Downs  Genes in me!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Baby Shower

So, Jeremy and I went to Utah last weekend over conference. Jeremy's mom gave me a shower and it was very nice. Mom drove over with us.

I had the opportunity to meet a bunch of Jeremy's relatives that I did not know. They were very sweet and made and gave me a bunch of really cute things. It was also fun to see my Aunts and cousins.

I hope my sisters and I can be like Mom's sisters. They are always so supportive and from the track record, I think we will be.

Jeremy's house was pretty full because his sister Emily was staying there so I made the executive decision and got us a room at a hotel. I love Priceline! The kids loved it!!! We were able to go swimming both nights which was a lot of fun. Wyatt was a fish. He loved to hold his breath under the water. Jeremy would help him touch the bottom of the pool and then he would paddle up. It was very cute.

We now have another member of our family that lives in the backyard. His name is Scooby. We brought Jeremy's dog back to Colorado with us! He is an outside dog, so he won't come in the house which is great. My husband loves animals and if we ever move to another house I am sure we will have some land with animals.

I am getting closer to the due date and things are going well! I am getting very excited for him to come so we can meet him! I can't wait to see what he looks like.

This was kinda random...but that is what has been going on for awhile.