Sunday, June 16, 2013

Xander Class Photo Preschool 2013


Olivia and Celia just get cuter and cuter everyday!  Olivia is becoming quit the giggler and laughs and laughs at anything that her older siblings do.

She is still a fabulous sleeper, and pretty much smiles and enjoys life about 90% of the time.  If she is sad, she just wants someone to hold her or change her diaper.  

Celia is just growing up.  She loves Nursery, and singing songs, and blankies and stuffed animals. She loves pretties and cutes and will pretty much repeat back to you, most things you say!  Celia is just itchin to play with her little sister and I can't wait either. 

Preschool Graduation and stuff

School for Xander ended in May and he had a little graduation party for Joy School!
He did so well keeping up with his double Preschools this year!  He loved being with the kids and keeping very busy!  

We went to the Rockies game with a bunch of friends from the ward and Xander is starting to get into the game and ask questions!  He loves to go downstairs with Grandpa and watch the ROCKIES!  Troy (Tulo) Tulowiski is his favorite player!  

Jeremy took Xander fishing after work one day and Xander did quite well!  "Dad says, I am a fish slayer"  it was a treat to have him get so excited.

The summer is rolling along and it is going to be another simple but fun summer, to just get outside and enjoy!  

Life is good!