Wednesday, May 29, 2013


It is hard to believe that Xander is done with Preschool at Birch Elementary and will be going to Kindergarten next year!  Here are the last of some of his projects that he has done this spring.

He painted a pot for me for Mother's day and planted grass for Dad for Father's day.
He loved his friends Eric and Madox two brothers that he often played after school with.

4 year old Xander questions:

What was your favorite part at Birch Elementary Preschool:  Me and Kade and building things.
What do you want to be when you grow up:  A builder just like Kade and help people too.
What is Love:  Love is something.  Heart is Love
What is good:  Good Food
What is funny:  Funny Faces
What is Bad:  Darth Mawl
What is Beautiful:  Flowers
What is stinky: Farts
What is sticky: Jello
What is hot:  Lava and Water
What is cold:  Water
What is red: fire
What is yellow: Candy
What is green: Candy
What is food:  Grapes
What is your favorite Toy:  My headlamp
Who is your best Friends:  Eric, Madox and Caden
What is your favorite Sport:  The Rockies Games
What is your favorite color:  Every color in the whole world.  Even in Rainbows.  Even White and Pink.
How many kids are you going to have:  10 kids
Who are you going to Marry:  Zenna
What is your favorite TV show:  Thomas and Team Umizoomi
 What is your favorite game: Lego Starwars
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy:  Play Dragon Vale and Fish
What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy:  Play Dragon Vale and Hugging Mommy
If you could wish for anything what would you wish for:  A mini phone and a Mini ipad and I would get Dragon Vale on both of them.  

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bubble Bubble POP!

It has been so nice to have some warm weather.  this year we have had some snowy weather in May!  Xander and Celia were sitting side by side blowing bubbles, so I ran to get the camera for this photo cuteness opportunity and when I made it back, Celia had dumped out all her bubbles and was no longer sitting next to Xander being cute.

So these photos are what I got!  It is so fun to watch them interact and develop a friendship.  Today they played Walkie Talkies together.  Xander is so ready for her to grow up and be her buddy.  But mostly she just bugs him, by grabbing his stuff and running.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Celia Speaks and loves the iPad

The kids have been able to use Grandpa Jim's old ipad while they have been here, which has begun sibling fights.  My 18 month old sweetie fights with her 4 year old brother over ipad time.

She loves the ipad.  Has her apps that she likes to play and for the most part can navigate the iPad fairly well.  "Pad" "Pad" is already part of her vocabulary.

Some other favorite things that this little cutie does, is kick her brother and then say "Sorry" in her 18 month language.  She says, "Love you" , "Xander", "Go", "Coat", "Candy" "Chocolate" "Doggie" "Book" "Shoe" "Sissy"
Pretty much anything we ask her to repeat, she will make the effort to say!

She has started going to Nursery and after a few tears, the first couple times, she has started to enjoy the experience :).

We are so happy to have this princess in our family!

Classic Bathtime shot!

All three of my babies have used this bathtub.
Olivia is the only one who has had eyes that match the tub.
My bathing blue eyed beauty!

She is so precious!

Olivia's Blessing

Olivia Rose Johnson
May 5th 2013

At this time we give you a blessing that you will be able to walk and not faint grow and be strang and do the things little children do.

Liv we are happy to have you in our home, your brother and sister are to.

We bless you to gain knowledge, both spiritual and temporal.  We bless you with knowledge and the ability to discern right from wrong to help you.  

As the end draws near Satan will have ways to trick us.

We bless you to find an eternal companion and be sealed in the temple.
We are grateful for you and your brother and sister.

Olivia, your Grandma Johnson made your dress. Grandma Jannet made your blanket.  You wore little shoes that were worn by your brother and sister on their blessing day.  We had a beautiful Cinco de Mayo luncheon after church to celebrate this special day!  We love you so much!

These were the people in your blessing Circle
Bishop Reed
Brother Roylance
Brother Rand Lewis
Uncle Jeffery Downs
Uncle Ryan Johnson
Uncle Aaron Conner
Grandpa Jim Downs 
Grandpa Neal Johnson

You were surrounded by the priesthood and your name was put on the records of the church.  Your parents love the church and our Savior Jesus Christ.  This is his church and we are followers of him.  I am so thankful to have such a strong testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ and his teachings.  I know that they are the correct ways and outline for a truly happy life.

I am so happy to have you in our home and a part of our family.

Livie Week by week

My hair is starting to grow!  
I notice my fingers and toes
and I make noise.

I am still super sweet and hardly fuss.  I am a great sleeper in my rock -n- play.  I have started to giggle a little.  My brother and sister squish me and love me.  Thank goodness for my mom who protects and saves my life.

Making Tortillas

Jeremy bought a tortilla press off Amazon and one Sunday Afternoon Xander and him tried it out!  Xander had a lot of fun making tortillas with Dad.

Since Jeremy is the main cook in the house right now, Xander thinks that ALL Daddy's cook!  His wife is going to be one lucky lady, like I am.  I do like to bake and cook and I think one day, I will be better, but I like playing and being with the children and Jeremy would rather cook, so that is where we are at and what we do at this point in our life.