Monday, June 23, 2008

False Alarm

Saturday night, I could not sleep at all.  I watched Parent Trap on T.V.  The new one when Lindsey Lohan was sweet.  I was moving on to You got Mail with Meg Ryan when I began to feel pains every five minutes or so.  I was thinking is this it?  

I woke up Jeremy and he started timing and every 3-5 minutes I would have another pain.  I called my Mom at 1 am and she told me to wait and see if they were stronger.  They kept coming.  I went to the potty and there was a little blood.  I thought for sure this was it and had Jeremy take me to the hospital.

I was there for 2 hours and sent home.  I was tricked.  I never thought I would be one to go and get sent home, but I was.  So here I sit.  waiting.  The contractions have been coming again today but I will not go until I am in death dyfing pain.  I will not be embarassed again.  The nurse told me not to come in until they were about 1-3min apart and I could not stand the pain.

I also heard you could have contractions for a week until the baby came.  I guess I am getting closer.  If he has not come by Friday, I have an appointment at 6am on Saturday to help him move from his warm home.  

Sooner or later he will be here and I will be so happy.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Waiting and hoping

School is out and the last 3 weeks have been very restful.  I clean, sleep and clean some more and then when that is done, I read.

I am so ready for the baby to be here and start learning how to be a good mom.  I am also so curious to what he will look like and act like and if I will be able to breast feed.  I went to the doctor's yesterday and they said he is still pretty high.  At the latest he will be here the 28th of June.  I am planning on the 28th and anything earlier will be an added blessing!  

Jeremy has started school.  He is taking one class in the summer and is doing well.  He works so hard for our family and I am so proud to have him as my husband.  His Birthday is June 16th and he will be 33 years old.  So here are the top 33 things I love about Jeremy Neal Johnson

1.  Smile
2. Happy
3. Cooks me meals (very good ones)
4. Smart
5.  Loves roses
6. Loves music
7.  Watches girl movies with me
8. Paints
9. Sews
10. Strong shoulders and biceps
11. Snuggles
12.  Outdoors
13.  Knifes
14. Guns
15.  Protector
16.  Honest
17.  non-judgmental
18.  SERVICE to others
19.  creative
22.  Children
23. Home improvement
24. Sports
25. Will try new things
26.  Good Father
27.  Makes the best homemade pizza crust
28.  Sings to me
29.  teaches me
30.  Makes lists and does grocery shopping with me
31.  Hiking
32.  Loves animals
33.  Married me