Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday Dinner

Sunday Dinner and Family is in Town
Grandma loves little Bear
Cousins share secrets
Teenager hides and Texts
My Grizzly Bear helps feed the cubs
Babies are snuggled
and snuggled some more!
I love sunday dinner's at Grandma's and Grandpa's when Family is in town!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The best time of the day

I LOVE To come into my room to check on the little bear and find this....
Totally entranced by what is above him
Play little bear Play!
 tune those fine motor skills

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I read Nie Nie

down on the left side of my column is a little button that says I read Nie Nie.  My sister told me about it so i decided to take a look.

This is about a lady that I do not know.

But I know her because she believes the same things as me.

She was hurt in a Plane Crash with her husband "Mr. Nielson"  she calls him this because she is a Pride and Prejudice Fan, and in that book Elizabeth calls her future bow, "Mr. Darcy".

Read her story and her blog.  (It is BEAUTIFUL)  and makes me feel so know there are so many good people in the world.

I bought a t-shirt to support the recovry fund for about her and maybe you will too!

Friday, November 7, 2008

I love Grandma and Grandpa Johnson

I Love my Grandma Johnson 
She made me this really cool
Carrier Cover.
See my Bear Feet
Sticking Out..
I am a little bear
My Dad is a big BEAR

I better hide in the woods...So the Big Bear won't get my
 Little Bear Feet

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Presidential election

Well it is done and over with!  No more ads about how evil Marilyn Musgrave is and the fake Betsy Markey on a lie detector.  I am tired of all the hate.

I am also excited not to hear the negative media talk about George Bush.  I was listening to CNN today and a newscaster said...."I can't wait!  We finally get to slam the door on the Bush era."  

Show some respect, my goodness!  We live in the greatest country on the earth and the American people voted for George Bush and George Bush worked hard for our country.  I am proud that I voted for him and I think he deserves respect.

The ironic thing is that George Bush has a %70 disapproval rating and congress has a %70 disapproval rating.  George is republican and Congress is controlled by democrats so I think the American people are just not happy no matter what.

So as I was cleaning the kitchen and watching Fox news.  (I like to switch around so I get lots of different perspectives)  A newscaster gave a tribute and a thank you to George Bush.  I only caught the tail end but he said George Bush never cared about what anyone thought of him.  In an interview he told the newscaster, "that is the nature of the job."  

The newscaster also said, that in every interview, George Bush took time to shake hands with everyone in the cast, sometimes 30-40 people.  So I just want to say, thank you Fox newscaster man for saying something positive about the man who has served our country for the last 8 years.

Now it is time for a New era, and even though the man that I voted for did not win, I am still proud to be an American and proud to live in this great country!  I hope that Barack Obama succeeds and does well for our country.  I hope he inspires people to work harder and be better people.  

I want him to be a good president just like I wanted George Bush to be a good president.  I will pray for him just like I prayed for George Bush.

I am proud that our country still believes in checks and balances and that Democrats don't have a filibuster proof congress.  

I am proud that it was a close election and not a landslide because it means that people share many different opinions and that is what makes this country great!

I am proud that prop. 8 passed in California and similar measures in Arizona and Florida.  We are still a nation that believes in the family.  

I am proud to be a stay-at-home mom and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints!

I am proud of my husband and my sweet little son and I feel like the most blessed girl in the world with all I have been given.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A series of really fun events

Today we went to Rocky Mountain National Park
Where Jeremy caught a big fish
(It looks like Xander but really it was a big fish!)

Friday for Halloween I got to snuggle with my very own 
"Build a Bear"
We met Dad for lunch at a very yummy Italian Place so he could 
snuggle with the bear too.
Thursday, I went out with a bunch of witches
When asked by an onlooker how we all knew each other,
One witch "cackled"  We are Mormons!
We had so much fun!
And that is my series of really fun events!