Sunday, October 23, 2011

Birth Story of Lucelia Jannet Johnson

"Dear Heavenly Father, Thank thee for this day.  Thank thee for our blessings.  Please help Mommy have baby Celia naturally."  
Xander, Jeremy and I prayed for a natural birth for Celia for nine months.  Xander heard these words nightly and soon on his own was praying too.  The doctors knew I wanted to VBAC and the doctor who delivered Xander gave me a 90% chance to VBAC, but we added Heavenly Father to our team and hoped for the best.  On my 40th week appointment, my doctor wanted to schedule a C-Section.  I asked for an induction and she agreed to induce as long as I knew the risks.  The appointment was set for October 20th at 6am.   I knew my biggest factor in having a VBAC was to go into labor naturally.  I did as many "myths"  that were healthy to encourage a natural labor.  The biggest one that I enjoyed the most was a 60 minute massage that included reflexology to encourage labor.

Flash Forward to October 17th 2011, 5 days over due.   I woke up with contractions....4am.  But this happened with Xander.  I had contractions every day for 7 days with Xander that would stop.  So I thought this could possibly be the same thing.  They were coming pretty regularly every 5 minutes for 30 or 40 seconds.  So I called the doctor and she said to come into the office for a Labor check.  They put me on the monitor and the Doctor came in and said she would admit me.  Start the IV to keep me going and break my water.

Wow!  I was going to have this baby.

Labor was long.  Started at 4am from home and baby Celia came at 12:05am Tuesday morning October 18th 2011.

The baby was having troubles, similar to Xander once I reached a dilation of an 8, and the Doctor who was the Doctor on call and not my regular Doctor, which I think actually turned out to be an AWESOME thing, was supportive of my VBAC but was concerned.   I was a 9 at 10pm and the Doctor gave me an hour and then she would make the decision to C-section or not.  Jeremy and I were sad and our hopes for a VBAC started to diminish and I was feeling really sad that I had labored all day again.

At 11pm she came in with the nurse and they said they were going to do some "practice pushes"  to see how things were going to go.  She worked with me, and as I type this I am tearing up, because I really appreciate what this Doctor did for me.  She worked my body in a way that I was able to have this baby naturally.  She said my cervix was "different"  which was making it difficult for Celia to make her way through the birth canal.  I gave really good pushes, Jeremy was there to support me and after an hour and a half of pushing. 

Little Celia made it into this world and I can't stop smiling.

Life is good

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I am 39 weeks Pregnant.
We are getting very excited for Little Lucelia to make her face known.
Clothes are bought.
My milk is in.
I am so excited for my little monster
to have a small
He is going to be such a wonderful big brother.
He had a test drive last weekend when Aunt Emily and Uncle Aaron came to visit.
They have an 18 month little boy.
Cousin Miles.
Xander was all over bringing drinks and toys
and feeding tootsie rolls.

To his little friend.
(Well not so little, as they are the same height) :)

Project Monster was done at Preschool today!
His teacher told me he was a very polite little boy.
He says his "Please and Thank you's"  very well!
He was also the "Line Leader" today!  
Had an apple pinned to his shirt that said 

Phew!  Glad he is not throwing sand.