I woke up Jeremy and he started timing and every 3-5 minutes I would have another pain. I called my Mom at 1 am and she told me to wait and see if they were stronger. They kept coming. I went to the potty and there was a little blood. I thought for sure this was it and had Jeremy take me to the hospital.
I was there for 2 hours and sent home. I was tricked. I never thought I would be one to go and get sent home, but I was. So here I sit. waiting. The contractions have been coming again today but I will not go until I am in death dyfing pain. I will not be embarassed again. The nurse told me not to come in until they were about 1-3min apart and I could not stand the pain.
I also heard you could have contractions for a week until the baby came. I guess I am getting closer. If he has not come by Friday, I have an appointment at 6am on Saturday to help him move from his warm home.
Sooner or later he will be here and I will be so happy.