Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Wyatt

Wyatt (on phone with Dad): Thanks for the card Dad! But you forgot some tools, (he named the ones he forgot...but I don't know the names )

Dad: There was not enough room to get them all on.

Wyatt: ok dad, well thanks bye

He calls back....

Wyatt: I have been looking on the card and I found some more room, I will bring the card this summer so you can paint them...oh by the way, I want a steam engine card to...can you paint that for me Dad?

Dad: Of Course Wyatt Love you!

Trains, Tools, and wanting his Utah Mom..that pretty much describes Wyatt

Happy Birthday Kid!

Coming for that camera with a handful of crayons

I never thought one so young would love to draw so much
My 18 month kids in nursery would never color or draw

But T.V comes in a close 2nd if not first

But quickly returns to coloring

These are a few of his favorite things

Xander has just a few favorite things
Smiling real big as he tries to steal camera
I am not posing mom I just want to push the

Talking on the phone because he
likes to push the buttons

Yarn balls
which I am sure he would love to see a
kitten play with that string
but not why he is
under my wing :)

The favorite things song got in my head so when I saw this picture all a sudden I became poetic

His Sippy Cup...He has like 5 that are all filled with water. They are all over the house so he can pick one up when he wants a drink
and then leaves it to go play.

I still give him milk in a bottle just because he will down the whole thing
so he gets his two Milk servings a day.

I just think with his Sippy cup around the house habit, I would find yucky milk in a sippy one day if I gave him sippy's of milk

and that would not be one of my favorite things.

Xander I love you! You are changing so fast!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


So I have this really bad habit, or character flaw about myself. For some reason I like to tell people that I know how to do things and I will teach them with only slightly knowing how to do it, and knowing in the back of my mind that really I know someone else who really knows how to do it and that I will rush to them to learn how and then teaching the other people whom I told in the beginning that I knew how. It is a bad habit but it kind of forces me to learn things.

Like last year when I was a sub for a whole month in a home ec class, I taught the kids how to crochet. I told them I was going to teach them to crochet but knowing in the back of my mind that I would be at my Mom's house the whole weekend perfecting my skills. But I did it, last year I taught over 100 kids how to crochet a hot pad and they learned and I learned more. But that is about all I had ever made was a hot pad.

So a couple of weeks ago at a young women planning meeting the girls expressed interest in learning how to crochet a hat and of course with my character flaw
I said, "I know how to crochet a hat"
I will teach you.

I had never crocheted a hat before, but I knew that I could learn.
So I rushed to You Tube
Where I learned there is a lot of people who make videos of themselves teaching others how to do things.

And I learned how to make a hat and not only a hat but a very cute hat
that I gave to my niece Sadie over Christmas.

So I did it again....but now I am prepared to teach the YW how to
crochet a hat
this Wednesday

I really need to work on that Character Flaw.
But it does motivate me!

Except with cooking...I have told people that I can make things
and instead of having Jeremy teach me to do it
I just make him.
shhh don't tell.