Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cookies and Milk

Today I woke up and it was raining and it was dark.
Not because of the time but because of the cloud cover in the sky.
I worked.
Talked on the phone, some, work related and in between some not...
usually Jeremy but today included Tasha (YW Pres). And all a sudden it was 10:30am.
Xander needed Brunch because we missed breakfast. Peanut Butter and Jelly and purple grapes cut in 1/2.
Worked some more, facebook, on hold, facebook, what else do you look at while your on hold? oh yeah, I do read my blogs, CJane, Nie nie, and Breakfast at Tiffany's.

I hear Xander in the other room, watching T.V. He squirms his way out of his chair and stands up and turns his body so he can see me here in my room.
"All done"
He twists his hands and signs for "all done" one of the 4 signs he knows. I ask him repeatedly just so I can see his little hands do it again!
Xander heads to his room to play and I go back to work.
Take a break.
Take a peek.
Xander has brought random toys to the couch and is in his own little world with these toys.
Back to work.
Talk to Mercedes in Florida who laughs at my pronunciation of last names, and feeling frustrated at people that will not fill out forms correctly, which makes my job feel tedious.
Xander brings toys to my Apple and chucks them at the keyboard. His little face just reaches over the top of my bed. I hurry and send one more e-mail before taking a break.
Disney is on.
I want a cookie.
Xander wants a cookie.
I want Milk.
Xander wants Milk.
Xander and I snuggle on the Couch watching Tinkerbell and eating cookies. He learned at 9 months to rip the cookie in two and lick the filling. Kids are born this way. They just know! Still does it until all the filling is gone and hands me the cookie part.
Hannah Montana Video comes on and we get up and dance!
Change laundry.
Decide that I should probably bath Xander and get him ready for the day.
It is 2:00pm.
Give Xander a shower.
Have been doing it all week.
This time just him.
What a little dude to be in such a big shower, but he loves it.
Brown pants and Sham Rocker T-shirt. I didn't get it when I bought it, had to ask Jeremy. Sham Rocker????
"Shamrock, Nichole" "Sham Rocker"
It is green.
And today was Earth Day.
It was not planned.
It was planned when he wore it on St. Patrick's Day.
My little Sham Rocker!
Tried to put him down for a nap.
He cried on and off for an hour.
Still managed to do some Spanish.
This is the last Spanish class.
Jeremy is on his own now after this.
I have helped him with all the classes I can.
He has only hard ones left.
and Calculus II and III
and then all those Engineering ones!
Go Jeremy!

Got Xander out of bed.
Wrote a cute poem on Facebook
It's raining it's pouring
(because it was)
Xander is not doing any snoring
(because he didn't)
Went to bed, very well fed.
(Cookies and Milk)
And would not take a nap this Morning
(it was really afternoon but that did not rhyme)
Now he is grumpy
(he was)
And full of spite
(not really)
Looks like he is going to bed early tonight
(Went to bed at nine)

But it was a cute poem.
Went to Walmart.
Bought stuff to make GORP
Camp fundraiser tomorrow
We are watching kids at the church.
30 to be exact.

Jeremy on Couch watching Super Natural.
Me typing this day.
Because one day I am going to look back and read this over and over and wish that I could be at this young 30's baby at home stage again.

Hello 80 year old Nichole! Hope your still just as cute!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Monday, April 19, 2010

Running Group

So, I stole this picture off my friends Facebook and maybe that is why they are so small, who knows? So I posted it twice to maybe give it more of an effect. But anyway, So since I have been married I have been trying to establish myself in a Family Ward. It has been weird, It is mostly just me and thinking to much but it has been an adjustment. Mostly in the Friends in Relief Society and finding women friends. I really don't have a lot. Which is fine but sometimes it is hard and lonely. I made friends with women so easily when I was single that I struggled to know what was the matter with me.

I soon discovered these things called GNO, Bunko and a plethora of other things that married women do. I was single until I was 30 and I have had my share of Girls nights outs and going to movies and dinners with the girls, that I was kind of in shock that when I got married and joined a Family ward, all of these women wanted to hang out with each other and not there husbands all the time.
When I was single we just hung out with each other because we did not want to be lonely but would 100 X rather be on a date or with a MAN. So it all seemed weird to me. So I would think, I should really try hard to make friends....So I tried to invite myself into a Bunko group (not knowing there was # limits) and make friends and it just was not happening for me.
And then I would think
I am different
even though we are the same age these ladies and I
they have been married for 10 years
me 2
Enjoy your husband

But I would sometimes feel sorry for myself. They have preschools and play groups and lots of ways to socialize with one another and sometimes I feel lonely because I just do....
Jeremy is in School every night
and blah blah blah...

I was feelin down
I needed inspiration
a hobby
a dream that would connect me with people again

So the point is, what turned me around is my Sister Tiffany and a conversation with my Mom..Tiffany invited me to do that Ragner Relay and it awakened me to something I let die after having Xander
I am a good runner
I run
and when I work hard at it
I can run pretty fast.

Seeing my sister and her sweet friends made me want the same
so I decided to start a group and I was scared
that no one would come and I would feel stupid.

But people came and they liked it and we are going on our 4th run this Saturday. We go every other Saturday! I am so happy now. (Thanks Mom for the talk about you know what, and you are right it does work) I don't need Bunko or GNO or the plethora of other things right now. (Maybe when I have been married for 10 years)
But I do need running and a way to bond with some sweet ladies every once in awhile.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Karate Xander

This little boy
wore this karate band
all day
and was frustrated if it came off
Xander son
What am I going to do with you?


This is what my Laundry Room Looks like

Nice Little Baskets with Catagories

This is what it used to Look like
Can you find the shoe polish?

Thanks to my Mom and Aunt Margret who came over and helped organize my Laundry room and Desk
I am inspired to organize more.
Next week....
Linen Closet that has no linen in it!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Some friends got together for an activity between
Xander fell in love with this Big Wheel!
I think I know what I am getting him for
the big
Birthday coming up in June!

He caught on to the finding eggs with Candy in them
Pretty quick!

Loves the bunny
Sleeps with the bunny now
bunny is his sister Makenzee's
uh oh
not anymore.

Happy Easter!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Hannah

Today is my oldest nieces Birthday
Happy Birthday Hannah
This Morning,
I was reading my sister Tiffany's blog and Nicolina her second daughter playing
a pretty good April Fools joke
on her about getting a speeding ticket
and it reminded me of all my follies with

That is why I hardly drive anywhere
Live in a small little town
Roads like County Road 1 and 2 and 34 1/2
I hate big city traffic.

Anyway, My first little car accident happened when I was a Senior in High School
and for some reason, we came home from Utah from some trip
and my Mom and Tiffany stayed
and I wanted to take Hannah home with me with my Dad,
and my sister Tiffany let me!

I took her to school with me
she was 3 or 4
and on our way home
we got in a little Fender Bender.
Nothing big and no hospital
but still a Car accident with my little baby
niece when I was 17.

My sister was so trusting!

Poor Hannah with her Crazy Aunt
Hope your 20 year old Birthday is GREAT!