Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thomas Town

So Xander never really got the 18 month toys to 2 year old toys. We had toys from Wyatt at our house and I am all about buying the least amount of "plastic" as possible. So he jumped from sucking on toys to 3 year old toys and hasn't complained one bit.

Jeremy and I had a huge Thomas Track set that we had bought for our house about 5 years ago. It had been taken apart and put together all over the house for years and Xander has been really into it lately. Jeremy would set up different tracks for him around the house and he would just play and play.

The only bad part. I hate plastic. So I would have to pick it up to have him want it out on the middle of our floor again. I had bought a train table off Craigs list awhile back and contemplated getting a wood track set to glue to that so it would always stay. But I didn't want to ruin the table and I already had all the plastic Thomas stuff. And the wood stuff is a small fortune.

Xander LOVES the Barns and Nobles that have Train Tables and screams bloody murder, when he has to "leave island of sodor, Thomas". We experienced the carrying your crazy screaming child out of the Book Store over Thanksgiving weekend. The whole store new that he did not want to leave the "Island of Sodor"

So Jeremy and I were trying to figure out a portable city. One I could easily move, And we could glue plastic tracks down.

Home Depot. Styrofoam siding. Awesome husband who made a city and glued it all down.
It is light and I have moved it already between 3 rooms. Glued down like cement and so far pretty durable. And wohoo. Island of Sodor in the house
Quote from Xander, "Wow, Dad AMAZING"

Love you lots Xander!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Birthday

On Wednesday it was my birthday. I am now 34 years old. For some reason I have always had an issue with Birthdays. I am happy with November 30th and then again on Dec 2nd but for some reason. December first is supposed to be a Publishers Clearing House kind of Day, because I was born, I have very high expectations that the whole world should drop everything and shower me with gifts and pay homage to me. I know, I am a nut, but like I said on December 2nd this strange disease goes away.

So as you know, There is not a national holiday, or parades held in my honor, but this December 1st although was not a particularly bad birthday, it just was not the best day ever. Xander had thrown up the 2 days before and was still feeling yucky and tired still. I worked most of the day and did enjoy looking at how many people posted on my "WALL". "Facebook, has not helped with my Birthday disease, as now, I count wishes posted on my wall like I counted Halloween candy when I was a kid. Jeremy had to work all day and then had school. I was supposed to go to a treat exchange party that a gal in my ward was having, so I made the treats, but did not feel good about leaving a sicky boy with a babysitter, and my Mom is on a cruise.

So I stayed home, and was not very nice to my husband when he came home. He did do nice things for me and treated me special Thanksgiving weekend, and bought me some cool new craft stuff that I have been anxious to try. And gave me a very sweet, romantic card. So I was very much spoiled and loved. It is just my disease that the actual December 1st was not the best day ever, so I freaked out.

Then I felt awful because I was so mean.
I hate that part of me.

So December 2nd, I went to get me haircut. I was actually supposed to get my hair cut on November 30th but Xander was sick so I changed the appointment. I have been wanting to get my haircut for a long time. Actually about 2 years. I went to a place in the Mall last Christmas and they did an ok job. I wanted to go to a Salon in Utah when we were there last summer, because they are cheaper in Utah for the Aveda ones but we ran out of time, My Mom hacked my hair with Paper scissors in September to get the dead ends off. I just have been struggling to find time and motivation to make an appointment and go.

I found an Aveda Salon and figured I was just going to shell out the $65 dollars and go. I love Aveda. I love the way it smells and makes my hair feel. The best part is I found out that the Salon in Longmont host students there, who have already been through school, but need to earn hours to be Aveda specialists. So I got a $60 dollar haircut for $20!!! She was awesome! I knew right away, that she was going to do a good job because I loved her hair.

I said, "I want mine to look like yours" which I think was a good match and compliment because she spent over an hour making my hair perfect. She gave me a Head and Shoulder massage before my cut. "an Aveda thing" which is why I love their salons.

Any how. The point of the story is. Haircuts at Aveda Salons are therapy.

And my husband now knows where to send me next November 30th and maybe the December 1st disease will not come on so strong next year!