Monday, February 28, 2011

Nature Walk

We are here. We are living, or as I have chosen to look at it, taking a two year vacation visit to Broomfield. HA! Xander has adjusted well to the change. Loves having 3 levels of exploration to keep his active mind busy all day long. I set his train table up down in the basement and he goes down and plays all by himself down there! So much fun!

Today we went on a Nature Walk. There were a ton of Geese outside on the Golf Course and Ducks in the pond. We tried to go feed them. But they ran away to the other side of the pond and then the Golfers came so we decided to go on a walk.

Xander has been into buckets lately. He carries a bucket around the house and picks up whatever he finds around the house and puts it in his bucket. He had his bucket with him on our walk and as we went a long, he would stop and pick up rocks. As we were going, I noticed he kept going slower and slower, and his face getting redder and redder. His little bucket was full of rocks. Once he couldn't take anymore steps with his heavy bucket, he dumped it all out. Took a few more steps to a new rock pile in someones yard and started picking up new ones.

I tried to convince him that pine cones were pretty cool and a lot less heavy. He did one bucket of pine cones and went back to rocks. 3 times of filling up and dumping out as we walked around the block.

It was a good time. We also met a new friend. Some Grandparents a few houses down have a little guy, Cooper, that they watch everyday, that they would like to have a play date with Xander.

I think things are going to be ok. We miss our home and our space. But things are going to be ok.

I am so thankful.

We are going to be able to keep our house.

We are going to pay off our Lawyer bill

We are going to pay off Xander's surgery he had two years ago.

We are going to pay off, School debt and not have to take out anymore, which will leave us in a very good place when Jeremy is done with School.

So thankful!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

For Valentines day this year, we decided to take Xander to Crack Pots in Longmont to do some Painting. He has really been into painting lately and thought he might enjoy it.

He did really well for a two year old. He was focused, and actually cared about getting all the colors he wanted on the train. Which included, Percy Green, and Thomas Blue, and James Red.

All the colors at our house, are "Thomas the Train" colors. I have even thought of away to avoid "character tee's" I just don't like big screen print Thomas shirts. So all of our shirts are "Thomas color shirts" Like I say, Let's put on your Percy Green shirt today. "Nice plaid button up" So far it has worked like a charm. But he is still only two and once one Grandma buys him some Thomas Tee, I think I may have to start pickin battles.

But that was a different topic.

Back to painting...... I painted a tile. They are cheap, and I don't have to feel bad if it is not a master piece. And then I really don't want it in my house anyway. But Tiles are cool. Maybe I will tile a wall in the basement one day with all my tiles.

Xander painted a train and Jeremy painted a Spoon Holder, I broke the one he painted on our Honeymoon on accident, and it sat broken for like 5 months while I was waiting for Jeremy to find a "special glue" to glue it back together, so I just threw it away. He was kind of sad, and then I felt bad. So he painted another one yesterday. Hopefully he forgives me now.

I just hate broken junk lying around. Do you blame me? And after 5 months, I didn't think the "special glue" would ever be remembered.

Anyway, in other news....The test came back "positive" and it looks like TEAM NICHOLE will be up 1.

Happy Baby in OCTOBER if all goes well!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


We have had a only a little snow this year.
So when Dad came home a little early yesterday
Xander wanted to go out and help shovel.

He loves the element. The neighbors came out too and at one point they were throwing snow around and Xander got it, right in his face.
No crying. No complaining. Just the words. Mom. Snow. Face. Off.

And then went right back to laughing and playing

And of course helping Dad.


Sometimes you just feel like a Rock Star

A Model

Or just 2.7

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Paying Tithing and Jeans

New clothes are wonderful. I have been thinking about clothes this last week. I had "Healing Minds" Come and pick up a bunch of clothes, that are old and I don't like wearing them any more, and as I look at my closet I realize how much it has shrunk over the past 4 years.

I remember being in my mid twenties and going to Target (I know Target, but I could get more clothes) and just buying whatever I wanted (most of which went to Healing Minds yesterday). I was always coming home with more and more clothes.

I would go to DSW and buy 5 pairs of shoes. They were happy times, but also lonely times as I would mostly go alone when I had nothing to do on a Saturday.

So now I am almost in my Mid 30's and I was thinking about my favorite items in my closet,

Which includes, A pair of black boots (That were given to me by my friend Korri about 4 years ago)

A pair of Jeans (That my niece Nicolina wore in the 7th grade,(she is now in College) that she gave me)

A dress Annie Errebo Zolman gave me when we were roommates in Salt Lake. (10 years ago)

A purple shirt that my sister-in-law gave me that she said was too small for her.

The Three dresses that my husband has picked out for me as birthday presents, One each year over the past 3 years. That is my "New" Shopping Spree. Also, the only thing I really go out for is church, so that is what I love dressing up for. (I know pathetic, but we are pushing forward to get out of this pathetic stage.)

As I sit hear thinking about my closet and clothes, I remembered a few weeks ago when, a High Council Man gave a talk about Tithing and he said, "If you pay your tithing your clothes will last longer." He went on to tell a story about his suit, that he had for 20 years, because he was a poor Teacher and his wife stayed home with the kids, and he would always get compliments about what a nice "new" suit he had and how good it looked on him.

I think that Heavenly Father has blessed me greatly in much the same way, We have always paid our tithing and Child Support. And We don't really have a lot of extra funds right now for lots of clothes, but I am happy with my simple Wardrobe I have, I am also thankful that I get to be with Xander, and it is my choice to be poor, to be with him. I know that, I could work full time and have more money to buy clothes, so I am not complaining.

I was able to lose weight pretty fast after Xander and be able to fit in clothes (like Nicolina's jeans). And my clothes have remained ok style wise, so I don't look like a complete dork when I show up to church, in the dress Annie gave me 10 years ago.

God does provide and he does take care of us. So the next time you see me in my cute boots, you will know why they look so good on me!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A new idea...a new blog..

So I decided to change my other blog. It used to be a blog where I would post for Jeremy's kids from Xander. They never look at it..So it was old and boring and so a few days ago, I was thinking, I should video tape my self doing stuff. So then one day, when I am gone and my kids have kids, they have videos of me doing stuff. I am also going to record, my Mom and other people and just make it a fun blog. (in time)

Right now, I am just going to read my favorite books aloud. When we move to my Mom's house I will have the opportunity to use a better camera and a tripod, so I will be able to show pictures.

But I wanted to start....So I posted one today. As you can see. The other blog address is

Hope you tune in. If you want to be featured reading your favorite book, I would love to have guests. Record yourself on Youtube reading a book send me the link and I will put you on my site.