Xander was excited to be Yoda. He wore the same costume as a 1.5 year old We had to pin it and it drug on the floor but he was adorable, This year as a 3.5 year old it fit perfectly. So it received good use, Abram, Natalee's little guy wore it last year. We did go and buy him a Light Sabor. Jeremy took him to Target and they only had RED and BLUE ones. Xander told Jeremy that he had to have a GREEN one because Yoda has GREEN.
So Jeremy took him to Walmart where they had 1 GREEN one left. Xander found it, and was so excited to have a GREEN ONE!!! A GREEN ONE!!!
Xander drew the face on the Green pumkin and Grandma cut it out for him.
We decorated the Temporary door, with Wooden Halloween cut outs that Xander painted.
We took him Trick or Treating and we made it to about 10-15 houses and then he was ready to go home. He walked the whole way and everybody Loved him of course.