Monday, October 29, 2012

Fall Pictures 2012

My Kids
My sweet Sister in Law, Laural took some pictures of my kiddos today.  They were not the most well behaved.  But my goal was to have a couple cute shots to document my 1 year old and my 4 year old. 
I have no house to hang them on the wall.  I need to make a Blog Book again.  I love my kids!  They are so much fun!  I love to be with them, I am so lucky!

Next year in October we are taking Family pictures with all (gulp) 5 of us!  Xander will be 5, Celia will be 2 and the new baby will be about 8 months!

They will all behave themselves perfectly!  Yeah right!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Halloween 2012 Trunk Or Treat

 My little Rock Star and I headed out to the Ward Party.  Lover of Dr. Seuss also 6 months Pregnant.  Feeling good!  Baby is kicking and moving and healthy!  We are probably going to name her Olivia Rose.  I have dreams about my two little girls and the fun they will have together!  Olivia will be 8 months when it is Halloween next year!  Can't wait!  Lucelia will be 2 years old!
 So I asked Xander what he wanted to be for Halloween this year, and he said Yoda!  We have gotten some good use out of this costume.

Yoda wearing Year 1

He was a monster the next year and his cousin Abe wore the Yoda costume.  It was mailed back to us, and the following Halloween our first in Broomfield at my Mom and Dad's, he was Yoda again.  We did buy him a sword to go with it!
Yoda Year 3.  I think it is getting a little small, but it did work again, if he wants to be Yoda again next year, I think we may have to invest in a new Yoda costume :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pictures from the past two months!

 We made it up to Rocky Mountain National Park towards the end of summer.  We went on a little hike and went fishing!

 Xander stopped and talked to everyone on the trail.  He told them, "Hi, my name is Xander, my Dad caught a fish, but then it got away."  HA HA!  He must have stopped like 25 fellow hikers! 
 September came and that means Broomfield Days.  I once again entered him in the Clown Contest and he got up there and said, "Hi my name is Xander and I am going to show you my dance moves!"  He then got his Groove on and for the 2nd year in a row, took 1st place!  He could have won another Bike but picked playdough instead and gave the 3rd place kid in the Robot costume the Bike. 
 Cutest Clown EVER!
 Celia waited patiently for Xander to finish!
 Love this kid!
 Tryin out the Cool Cars at the B Days Car show!
 My Baby Girl!  At almost 11 months, Jeremy took her to get her ears pierced.  So cute!  She finally broke through and two bottom teeth appeared at 11 months as well.  She learned how to crawl up the stairs and down the stairs.  She loves books and flipping pages. She loves playing with cars and legos with Xander.  She loves to SCREAM!  We have been working so hard on Sign Language but she would rather just scream and grunt her needs and wants. 
 My favorite people
 Cleaning Celia off after Dinner one night!

 Finally One year old!  Happy Birthday!  October 18th!  She had been sick for the previous 5 days before her Birthday and started feeling a little better when we celebrated.  I made a simple cake, that everyone else ate but her!  Xander and Celia both did not touch their one year old treat!  But I want her to know that I care about her and I am so glad to have a little girl in my life!  I am so excited to watch you grow and develop and change.  I am so excited for all the future memories of you!  It has been a great first year with you in our life Celia and it keeps getting better!

Thanks for choosing us to be your family and bring such Joy to our life!
 Well maybe she did take a couple of bites!   But not much!
 Her One year old present!  I purposely chose a present that Xander would enjoy as well!  He is such a sweet brother to her!  They have fun together!
 Went to Anderson Farms!  Xander picked a Pumpkin for his Aunt Laural.  "We don't need pumpkins Mom, We already bought 3 at Walmart"  For 1/2 the price as these pumpkins, I might add!  :)
 Celia enjoyed Cheese Balls and started turning into an Orange little Pumpkin! 
 Beautiful Autumn!
 Pretty Girl!  Chick-A-DEE
 Four tooth!
Handsome, Popular Boy!  He has been having so much fun with friends this year!  I have him in Joy School and in Preschool at Birch Elementary and he never tires of being around people and playing!  He is such a fun kid and brings so much happiness to my life!

Today he told me, "Mom, the baby in your tummy does not wear diapers, so does her poop, come out of you too?"  

He loves to sing, "We are Soldiers"  A song his Dad likes.

He LOVES Bearinstien Bears Books as of late. We have been checking them out at the Library a lot lately.  

He is playing Soccer again this Fall!

Fun Times!