Thursday, November 29, 2012

Bathtime Fun

They are becoming quite the little buddies, these two!

Bath Time is a favorite time for both of them!
Xander spits water, Celia splashes and laughs at whatever Xander does.
Celia's laugh is like a machine gun!  It is the cutest thing ever.  Jeremy and I just laugh and laugh every time Celia starts laughing. 

Xander's Preschool Projects

Here are some projects that Xander has been doing at home and at School.  This is the first time I have seen him write his whole name.  I thought he did a great job for a 4 year old!  I am so proud of him and what a smart hard working boy he is.  I think he has really enjoyed Preschool this year.  

He sometimes gets mad at me for throwing some of his "Projects" away, but I do take pictures of the most important ones. So I hope you will forgive me!  

 I love you so much Xander!  I hope you always know what a treasure you are to me!  I waited 31 long years to be something that I always wanted to be.  "A Mother"  I am glad I was chosen to be your Mother.  Thank you for coming to me and your Dad!  You make our life so happy

Celia eating Cereal

My little girl is getting so independent.
13 months old and she loves to feed herself.
The thing that drives me crazy is she won't stay seated very long.  
When she is done, she is done and squirms out of her highchair and gives her Mama a heart attack.
Climbs up on the tray and sits, or likes to put her feet up on the tray and play with the food with her feet.  She has started to talk a lot more in grunts and groans.  I can make out, "uh oh" when something falls on the floor.  "Aner"  for Xander and "Mama and Dada" and "Daddy" every once in awhile too.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mitt Romney 2012

I have not watched the news in over a month.  I was very passionate about the election this year.  I went to hear Mitt Romney speak 3 times when he came to Colorado.  Each time was very exciting!  It was fun to be around like minded people who wanted a better future for our children and our government.

The best, was being able to attend the Rally at Red Rocks.  I was able to be a part of the white part of the Colorado Flag!  It is amazing to look at the pictures and see what we looked like!  I could feel that Mitt Romney felt the spirit as he came out to the crowd.  Red Rocks is such an amazing, beautiful place.  The first thing he said to some degree is that it is so wonderful to be in God's Creations and that we are all children of a loving Heavenly Father.  

Mitt Romney is a very good man!  I am glad that I was able to learn about him and the things that he has done in his life, to help people.  I was very disappointed that he did not win, but it goes to show that Heavenly Father has given us our Free Agency and no matter who is President, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is King and I will continue to follow him, keep his commandments.

I have a strong Testimony of the Gospel.
I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and that he restored the true church to the earth after many many years of darkness.
President Monson is his Prophet today.

I know the Book of Mormon is true.
I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for us.  I am glad that I know that the Family is Central to his plan and that to be a wife and a Mother is my part in the plan.  I love my husband and by us holding on to our covenants we made to one another in the Denver Temple on June 8th 2007,  we are supporting his plan.  Anything in the world that diminishes this plan, that I know to be true, I will not support, no matter how unpopular my views may be.  

I love my Savior Jesus Christ and what he has done for the world.  I hope one day that I am able to be in his presence and hear the words, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant"

In the name of Jesus Christ 

Xander and his friend Eric at Chuckie Cheese

Celia at the Park

Celia is growing up!  She has her first pair of shoes!  Jeremy took her to Clair's in September, while I was running the Ragnar, and had her ears pierced.  

We went to the Park last week, the Monday before Thanksgiving and she loved crawling and walking around.  She likes to climb to the top by the slides and "Stand Guard"  she screams and grunts at the other children if they try to go down the slide. 

Xander Singing at Preschool

Xander has loved going to Preschool and Joy School this year!  He loves to be social and be with people and make friends!

His buddies are Eric and Madox at this school.  He was invited to Eric's Birthday at Chuckie Cheese a couple of weeks ago and had a BLAST!  So much fun!  

This is at the Thanksgiving Celebration where he sang, "Hello, Mr Turkey."  I have a short video on You Tube of him singing "Hello, Mr Turkey"  He is the most animated and happy about singing the song then any of the other kids.  I am so blessed to have this boy in my life!  He is so loved by so many people because he is such a happy, loving boy!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

A very low key Thanksgiving this year.
Dylan, Makenzee and Wyatt came and Xander was in Heaven!  He played and played, so much that one day, he had to take a nap, which he has not done in at least a year.

We had Ryan and Laural, *Jeremy's brother and wife* and their two girls come up and the food was great!  Jeremy cooked the Turkey on the Grill and it was wonderful!  Xander and I made Sugar Cookies and decorated them to look like Turkeys!  We put one on every plate as a Thanksgiving Treat!

Saturday, Emily Conner *Jeremy's Sister* came with her son Miles and  Laural and the girls came with them.  We tried to get a good picture of the Johnson Cousins, but it did not go super good, but it wasn't super bad.  They all have fun personalities!  Which is what you get, when taking pictures of kids.  

Celia has really started to be a full blown Walker!  As of today, which is November 26th 2012, I officially call her a walker!  She is doing so well and enjoys walking everywhere.  She is 13 months old!  Loves to push cars around, and put things inside of things.  Loves the iphone!  Says Mama and Dada and grunts and Ah's like she is trying to have a conversation with you.  She gives loves, Hugs, and snuggles with blankets and stuffed animals.  She also enjoys snuggling with clothes.  She finds clothes, towels or blankets and puts them on her head, like she is trying to put them on.

She is such a fun part of our family!  Xander is a good big brother to her!  I am blessed to have them both!

Fall Soccer 2012 Xander

Xander played Soccer again this year!
The best thing about this season was that his buddy Caden, whom he met at the Presbyterian Preschool last year was on his team!  He had more fun wrestling with Caden on the sidelines then really playing soccer but it was a good experience for him.

The first 30 minutes they do a practice and he listens and loves the games they do, the last half hour they play a game against another team and for some reason, Xander is not into that part so much.  He is not the only one.  It seems that some get it and some don't.  :)  Oh well!  We will see how it goes in the Spring. 

Halloween 2012

 Xander in the bear costume 2008
 Celia in the Bear Costume 2012

 Nichole's Pumpkin
 Pumpkin seeds with Grandma
 Jeremy's Carving
 Xander's face he drew
Here are a few more pictures from Halloween!
Celia was both a little Rock Star and a Teddy Bear for Halloween!

She really enjoyed the Teddy Bear Costume!  It was the same one that Xander wore when he was a baby, did not think it would fit her, but it did!  

We had a lot of fun carving the pumpkins.  I was impressed with the face that Xander drew on his that we ended cutting out as well.  I did a face on one side and he did a face on the other.  "My pumpkin is laughing"  was Xander's response to the face he drew! 

Trick or Treating was fun this year!
Xander loves some neighbor kids, Jaden and Jace,  and we ended up going around the block with them by chance.  It was perfect weather for two years in a row!