Monday, September 8, 2008

AP Bottle Holding

Xander surprised me today by crawling to the fridge, making his own bottle and lying on the bed to drink it with one of his favorite blankets!!!  

He is such a good kid and only 10 weeks old!  What a stud!  Today was my first official SAHM Day!  It was good.  I went to Walmart and saw a bunch of other mothers with babies.  I of course glanced at all of them and then told Xander how good looking he is!

I couldn't completely give up teaching so I signed up to be a sub.  I signed up today and already have a job for Thursday.  Just a 1/2 day in a bilingual 3rd grade class. I am soo excited. I figure once a week will be good and keep my name in the district so in case something happens to Jeremy it would be easier to get a job if needed.  

1 comment:

Natalee said...

Cute little man. Tell him to stop growing until I get there, so I don't miss a thing.