She had seven children and was a wonderful cook and mother. Jeremy inherited her cooking passion. She was also an amazing embroider. She won several blue ribbons for her work. Jeremy and I received some pillow cases from her and they will be great treasures to us.
We also got to spend some time with my Family. I am just now thinking how bummed I am that I did not take any pictures. My Great Aunt Nettie was in town from California and it would have been great to have some pictures of her and Xander.
On my side, we don't have a lot of old people. My Mother's parents died before they were 50 of health problems and my Dad's parents died when I was in 2nd grade for my Grandpa and 10th grade for my Grandma.
So the oldest living relatives on my Dad's side would be my Aunt Dina who is 66 (I think) and my Dad would be next.
On my Mom's side, it would be my Great Aunt Nettie. I think she is 80 something years old. and she is hot! I am serious she is the most beautiful 80 year old I know. I really hope I can look as well as her when I am 80 something. I am including a picture of her from my wedding.
So besides my Aunt Nettie, we don't have much longevity on my side. I am hopping the next generation, meaning my mom and aunts will live a long time. I want Xander to have some old people in his life.
On another note,
Jeremy cut Wyatt's hair while we were there. He looked so cute! Jeremy is such a good Dad! He really wants his kids to look and feel good about themselves. I was also thinking how lucky I am because it will save us a lot of money when Xander is ready to start getting hair cuts!
Next time you have a chance, give us a call when you're here. We'd love to see you!
I can't belive how big xander is getting! You look good too Nichole.
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