Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Kindergarten Story

Clown Swing.
Scooters down the hill.
Water Table.
Block area.
Orange and Green buttons.
My Strawberry Shortcake Shirt.

These are a few "Snap shots in my mind"  of my Kindergarten years.  One snap shot I remember vividly for some reason is drawing in pudding.  We were given a plate of pudding and we were supposed to be creative and finger paint in it and for some reason...I was not feeling very creative and drew the # 27 and spent the rest of the time sneaking a lick of pudding while the teacher was not looking.  I remember later that day overhearing the teachers being very disappointed that I had drawn a # and not a picture.  Then my 5 year old self felt bad.

So a couple of days ago...Xander and I were playing in pudding and I decided to do a "Make Up"  from my uncreative Kindergarten experience.

I titled it,  "My Kindergarten Teacher"  HA HA!

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