He loves it. Has not slept in the crib since. We are going on a week now. And only once, the second night, did I find him on the floor he has not fallen out again. I can't wait to take the crib down! Since we are moving soon, Mid February and the crib does not belong to us, we borrowed it from my Sister-in-Law Laural it will be good to get rid of.
He also is out of the High Chair. He sits at the table with us. No booster seat or anything. Just his little head that pops barely over the table.
And for some strange reason, since these two changes have been implemented this last week. He has become, "Polly Anna Boy" Have you seen that movie....where the little girl is sweeter then sweet? That is how my son has been acting. Everything I ask is "Okay Mom". Okay, Okay.
A few weeks ago...it was "NO WAY".
He is just so Chipper. He is eating better, letting me change his diaper, I can work and he plays with his toys. It is so strange. But Jeremy and I are loving our boy like crazy. It has been so easy.
Jealous? I would be. Life has been easy lately with this dude.
Except he is still trouble like most 2 year olds.
He broke a glass in the dishwasher
Dumped out a whole bad of Cheerios on the floor
and we did paint today (which kept him occupied for a whole
2 hours. Can you believe that? A two year old who painted for two hours.
He is going to be an artist.)
And while I was on the phone, of course, he dumped out all the paint water every where.
Actually all the above things happened while I was on the phone.
So he is still a 2 year old. Just a very sweet one.
He actually painted and did not make all the other colors black by mixing them all together. Which I was completely prepared for. And like I said, Two hours. It was all good until the dang phone rang.
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