Monday, May 2, 2011

Home Birth

Life is great!

I am feeling better and food has never tasted so wonderful. I still have not been to the doctor, but I feel good so hopefully everything is going good.

By the time I get in, it looks like I may know what this little one is going to be. So I have an appointment with a Midwife on May 11th. Which means this maybe a home birth baby. Crazy I know, but I am 85% sure I want to have this baby at home.

I was C-sectioned with Xander and I just feel that if I go to a doctor, that will be my fate. Some hospitals will not even let you VBAC. I was completely healthy with Xander and did not feel like I had to be C-sectioned. I just think it was the easiest and quickest route and because I was strapped down to a bed. I was not allowed to move around and help him out.

I kind of look at it...Like training for a marathon or sky diving, or traveling alone all around Europe. There are risks and possible things that could happen and I know it may hurt a little more then an Epidural birth, but I am strong and I really think this is something I would like to cross off my bucket list.

Plus...I am told it can be a very spiritual experience. Maybe I will understand a little what it was like to be a pioneer and have a baby in a tent.

I am just so excited for Xander, to have a teammate. He loves people so much. We have "Unofficial Playdates at Mc Donalds" Where he always makes friends with whoever is there. We go at least 1 time a week.

I am also thinking of teaching a preschool for him next year. I just need to find 4 or 5 kids to join him.

1 comment:

Brandie Lyon said...

good luck keep us posted