Saturday, March 16, 2013

Playing in the Snow and building a Snow Bear

We were supposed to have a Blizzard March 9th 2013 but it really was not one.  The snow was good enough to make a Snow Bear though.  Xander, Jeremy and I had fun playing out in the snow.  I can't wait for more days like this, when we can play as a family.  Jeremy is getting closer and closer to being done with school.  This has been a fun chapter in our lives.  Living with my parents has helped so I can enjoy and get my babies here.  It has helped so that Jeremy can get a degree and hopefully give us the chance at a better future for our family.  Life is good and can only get better.
I am so thankful for the gift of my children and the opportunity to be a Mom! I love how Xander remembers things.  Like, after we were done playing in the snow and building a snowbear, we went to the backyard and Xander said, "Mom, Lets make paths in the snow and pretend we are animals like we did last year".  He is only four years old and we did that when he was three and we only did that one time.  I can't believe he can  remember some of the things he remembers!

The weather is getting warmer and I am excited to be outside a lot more with all three of my treasures.  I am so excited to not be pregnant this summer and just be able to enjoy the babies and have as much simple fun as we can.  

PS.  Xander is not crying in these pictures, he just makes funny faces.  HA HA!  One day, he will bless me with taking a good picture with his Mama!

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